Knot Genie Brush Peaceful Powder

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The magic trick behind the Knot Genie and Teeny Genie is one we are happy to reveal. It all has to do with the different lengths of teeth on the brush. When brushing they bend just right to gently untangle the hair. The Knot Genie Detangling Brush was created for every mom that has endured the foot stomping and screaming matches that come with brushing their childs hair. Revealing the smoothest shiniest hair you've ever seen. Features. Ease of brushing. Due to lack of stress the hairs cuticle stays unharmed. With the Knot Genie even the curliest most knotted up hair practically slips through the unique bristle configuration - gently and painlessly. It virtually stops breakage and split ends.
  • Knot genie detangling brush with Miss jessie’s packet
  • Created for every mom that has endured the foot stomping
  • Screaming matches that come with brushing their child’s hair